You have entered a Sands Rewards Club membership ID. Click here to reset your PIN for your Sands Rewards Club membership instead.

There was an error sending the OTP. Please try again. MMM There was an error sending the OTP. Please try again.

Reset your pin

Please enter your membership ID and date of birth to continue.

Your date of birth is required. Please provide your date of birth correctly.

set new pin

Enter the one-time password (OTP) that has been sent to your {showmobileoremail} {emailorphno}. It will expire in {minutes} minutes.

Didn’t receive OTP? ResendOTP resent.
Resend a new OTP in You have reached the maximum number of times we can send you verification codes. Please proceed to a Sands Rewrds counter to reset your PIN.

Show Please provide the OTP. Please enter the full {length}-digit OTP. The OTP you have entered is incorrect. Please key in your new PIN. Please input a 4-digit number. Please key in your new PIN again. Please input a 4-digit number. Please enter the full 4-digit PIN. The PINs you have keyed in do not match. There was an error sending the OTP. Please click 'Resend'. Show Hide Please enter the full {length}-digit OTP. PINs cannot consist of consecutive (1234) or identical (1111) numbers.