Planet or Plastic? Exhibition Guide

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12 Sep 2020 – 25 Apr 2021

Gallery Map | Basement 2

Explore the Exhibition

  • Introduction – Living in the Age of Plastics
    Introduction – Living in the Age of Plastics
  • Section 1: Plastics – A Modern Marvel
    Section 1: Plastics – A Modern Marvel
  • Section 2: The Darker Side of Plastics
    Section 2: The Darker Side of Plastics
  • Section 3: The Haunting Art of Plastic Pollution
    Section 3: The Haunting Art of Plastic Pollution
  • Section 4: Steps Toward A Cleaner Future
    Section 4: Steps Toward A Cleaner Future
  • Section 5: Science in Action
    Section 5: Science in Action
  • Section 6: Choosing Planet Over Plastic
    Section 6: Choosing Planet Over Plastic
  • Educational Interactive Space
    Educational Interactive Space
  • Planet or Plastic? Events, Workshops & Tours
    Planet or Plastic? Events, Workshops & Tours


You may have noticed art handlers wearing protective gloves. This is because the oil on our hands causes a chemical reaction with almost everything we touch. For artworks and photographs, this can have a detrimental effect.

Most museums enforce a ‘NO FLASH’ photography rule. The ultraviolet light of the flash generates heat and light, both of which can damage artworks.

Taking photographs in the museum is encouraged unless otherwise signposted.

You may notice our museum artworks must be kept at specific low temperatures and relative humidity to protect them from deterioration.

Want to know more about collection conservation guidelines? Visit the International Council of Museums for more information.


Our Partners

National Geographic

Planet or Plastic? is organised and traveled by the National Geographic Society.


The National Geographic Society is a global nonprofit organization that uses the power of science, exploration, education and storytelling to illuminate and protect the wonder of our world. Since 1888, National Geographic has pushed the boundaries of exploration, investing in bold people and transformative ideas, providing more than 14,000 grants for work across all seven continents, reaching 3 million students each year through education offerings, and engaging audiences around the globe through signature experiences, stories and content. To learn more, visit www.nationalgeographic.org
