Mind and Body: The Art and Science of Being Human

ArtScience Museum presents Mind and Body: The Art and Science of Being Human, an exploration of what it means to think, feel, and exist as human beings.

In an age where technological advances challenge our understanding of both human cognition and physical form, this series of exhibitions, artworks and programmes invites a refocus on the human experience itself. Investigate the mind-body relationship and how contemporary science and art are reimagining the body and celebrating the remarkable capabilities of the human mind—from memory and perception to creativity and self-awareness.

Bringing together insights from neuroscience, performance art, radical fashion, and technology, visitors are invited to explore what exactly makes us human, and how are we transforming.

Jan – Jul

Dissipative Figures – Human, Light in Dark
Dissipative Figures – 1000 Birds, Light in Dark

From 17 Jan
Basement 2, Gallery 3


These two artworks explore the idea that all living things are connected. Life extends beyond the physical body, weaving a cosmic tapestry with nature. As we live, we continuously exchange energy with the world, shaping our surroundings. These artworks visualise this energy flow, revealing the interconnectedness of existence and its environment. Much like an ocean vortex, life is a dynamic phenomenon that emerges from and is sustained by the flow of energy and matter.

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In Dissipative Figures – 1000 Birds, Light in Dark, the motion of birds is visualised through the energy they release into the air, rendering their presence as fluid, luminous traces.


In Dissipative Figures – Human, Light in Dark, the energy dissipated by a human figure is depicted as ethereal light, embodying the essence of life itself. At ArtScience Museum, the figure is suspended mid-air, evoking a sense of spirituality and transcendence. This ascending form recalls the soaring monumental altarpieces, suggesting a connection between the material and the sublime.


To be alive is to be inseparable from the world, constantly dissipating energy into it.


Image credits:  

teamLab, Dissipative Figures – Human, Light in Dark © teamLab

View details

Mirror Mirror: Journey into the Mind

1 Mar – 6 Jul
Basement 2 Galleries


Mirror Mirror: Journey into the Mind is an exploration of the potential and boundless creativity of the human mind. Prompting interaction through a series of multi-media installations, visitors are invited to connect with their inner selves, consciousness, memories and identity on a deeper level.

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The exhibition comprises of eight rooms, each designed to create an experience that evokes a variety of thoughts and feelings within you. Start your journey by choosing one of three doors, take your first step. A unique pathway awaits that only you can create.


Image credits: Moment Factory

Iris van Herpen: Sculpting the Senses

15 Mar – 10 Aug
Level 3 Galleries


Iris van Herpen: Sculpting the Senses showcases the work of one of the most visionary fashion designers of her generation.  A pioneer in her use of new technologies, Iris van Herpen defies conventional norms of fashion, blending both traditional and innovative techniques. 

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From micro to macro, this exhibition interrogates the body in space and our identities and future in a rapidly changing world. This retrospective celebrates van Herpen’s future-facing and multidisciplinary approach and is constructed as an immersive experience around nine themes that combine fashion, contemporary art, design and science.


Iris van Herpen: Sculpting the Senses is an exhibition co-organised by Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France and ArtScience Museum, Singapore, based on an original exhibition designed by Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.


Image credits:  

Iris van Herpen (designer) / Netherlands b. 1984, Carla van de Puttelaar (photographer), Netherlands b. 1967 / Synergia Series 2021 / Photograph: Carla van de Puttelaar / © Carla van de Puttelaar

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