Terms and Conditions

  1. Offers are only valid at outlets located at The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands.
  2. Offers are valid from 15 Nov to 25 Dec 2024, unless otherwise stated.
  3. Offers are valid on a first-come, first-served basis, while stocks last.
  4. Offers cannot be exchanged for cash, vouchers, or coupons.
  5. Offers cannot be used in conjunction with other offers, promotions, coupons, and membership or loyalty cards except for the Sands LifeStyle Programme.
  6. Exclusions and other Terms and Conditions may apply. Please check with the respective outlets for more details.
  7. Marina Bay Sands Pte Ltd and MBS Retail Management Company Pte Ltd may at any time change or withdraw an offer without prior notice.
  8. In the event of any dispute, the decision of Marina Bay Sands Pte. Ltd. and MBS Retail Management Company Pte. Ltd. is final and binding.