One of the most impressive features of the Strandbeests is their unique form of locomotion – the ability to move in an eerily life-like fashion propelled only by the wind. This was made possible by the discovery of the ‘13 holy numbers’ (a= 38, b=41.5, c=39.3, d=40.1, e=55.8, f=39.4, g=36.7, h-65.7, i=49, j=50, k=61.9, l=7.8 and m=15). These were to form the proportional basis for all the walking elements of the beasts that followed, until very recently in 2016 when he developed another new walking method for a different family of Strandbeest known as the Bruchus family.
Presented in this section are Ordis and Turgentia Vela, both which exemplify the ‘ 13 holy numbers’ walking mechanism, as well as three Strandbeests of the Bruchus family showcasing the new way of moving. Visitors are provide with the opportunity to ‘walk’ several of the Strandbeests and observe how the legs work.
Animaris Ordis
Cerebrum, the Brain Period
2006 – 2008
Small and mobile, Ordis is moved using wind power generated through its sail. One of the quintessential Strandbeests, Ordis is also perhaps the most versatile, as it functions as the walking unit of several other larger Strandbeests. In the galleries, where there is no wind, it can be moved by assistants, who can pull it along the gallery floor. Its astonishing lifelike walking motion is typical of Jansen’s Strandbeests.

Animaris Burchus Primus
Bruchum, the Caterpillar Period
2016 – Present
Burchus Primus is an unusual Strandbeest, adopting a completely different form and function to its wind-powered cousins. Rather than being driven by the wind, it is pulled across the beach by people. It looks like a caterpillar both in appearance and movement. Its new style of walking allowed for better manoeuvring on rough and uneven sand.